What Can Be Helped
The vast potential hypnotherapy has for dealing with many conditions is now fully recognised and appreciated by the medical profession.
Moreover, you can discover how it can improve health and well being in just one session.
Listed below are some of the many debilitating conditions of life that are successfully treated by hypnotherapy.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety could be described as a feeling of apprehension and uncertainty in relation to something that might happen in the future. It is experienced by everyone at some point. For example, when you take a test, go for a job interview or when speaking in public and it doesn't matter how well prepared you might be. It can happen when driving a car at night in a thunderstorm on an unfamiliar road. This is a normal reaction to something that is unfamiliar or which might have an outcome that you won't like or don't expect and can be helpful because it puts you on a state of alert. It tunes up the muscles and brain to be prepared to handle the unexpected.
It is not helpful if it makes you so anxious that you are unable to perform when taking a test or remember the answers or it prevents you from communicating clearly or lose control of the car when driving..
In other words it can stimulate your performance or be so stressful that you avoid the situation. The level of intensity can vary from 'butterflies' in the stomach which might give the professional sports person and 'edge' to perform at their best, to a full blown panic attack resulting in avoidance strategy.
Causes of Anxiety
Anxiety is generally caused by concerns which are external to you, whereas a phobia could be viewed as an irrational and extreme response to a less obvious, ill-defined, distant or unrecognised source of danger. Anxiety describes an unpleasant state of mental tension and usually results in physical and/or psychological symptoms. You can feel mentally helpless and exhausted by always being on a high state of alert against the anticipated or perceived danger.
Hypnosis can be an effective tool in the early stages of addiction as well as in the recovery process. The early stages of addiction are when you know deep inside yourself, even if you're not ready to face it, that you've really got a problem. Whether you are drinking down your problems with alcohol or using drugs to "feel better" or maybe medicating with food to "numb out", the issue still remains the same... Are you addicted?
These are questions the addictive personality faces all the time. The answers however, can only be answered by the person who's suffering. As the alcohol wears off, or the drugs fade, or the food digests, LIFE shows up once again, each new day, along with the co-pilot, TRUTH. A combination of honesty that once again makes one FEEL. Since hypnosis helps with the denial aspect, the patient becomes more receptive to treatment and less receptive to the barriers.
By introducing relaxation therapy along with imagery, hypnosis can help remove physical barriers to recovery, such as the body's symptoms of withdrawal, anxiety, muscle tension, spasm and pain. Along with reinforcing the commitment to sobriety or abstinence.
Hypnosis can help persuade a patient who wants to leave treatment to hold-on and complete the program. It can also help patients who are in recovery to go to their meetings, work with their sponsor, and more than anything, to remain willing. These are just a few of the tools that help the addict to not relapse and to ensure that they begin living the best life possible.
Smoking Cessation
Hypnotherapy can help many smokers achieve their goal of quitting on a regular basis. It is a well known area of work, and the results produced are quite astounding, that’s why so many ex-smokers recommend their friends and family members. Deciding to become a smoker is not a decision that most people take logically. It is an emotional decision taken at a subconscious level. Therefore, any decision to stop, needs to be taken at that same level.
Quite simply, this is why hypnosis is such a successful way to give up smoking cigarettes. Many people considering stopping smoking, feel that their true choice is being taken away from them, because of the habit they have formed. The secret of hypnotherapy is that it gets people to use their imagination to create a non-smoking future. This often feels very positive and empowering. Stopping smoking becomes the positive and definite choice.
Although hypnotherapy can be a great help you still need to make the decision for yourself, to be sure that you are really ready to take that step.
There are a few positive steps that you can take to start:
*Think about the amount of cigarettes that you smoke in a day, and how many you actually really want and enjoy?
*Do you smoke some of them, because they are associated with another action, such as tea or coffee break?
Start to think about all the negative things about smoking for example:_
Health - Social approval - Ageing - hygiene - fitness - family
Positives and gains.
Better health - longer life - financial gain -
able to spend quality time with friends and family -
more youthful appearance -
Weight Control
5 steps to Weight Control Success
The use of hypnotherapy for weight control, and Changing Limiting Beliefs, will help you to permanently change your relationship with food, the way you eat food, the way you think about eating and the way you view eating in general. This will enable you to effortlessly lose weight, eat healthily and, ultimately, become the size and shape you desire.
As part of the process, I will also help you to feel physically more relaxed, mentally calmer and much more confident within yourself. I will help you change the limiting and fictitious beliefs you may have about food, as well as helping you to become motivated to exercise more. When you are motivated to exercise it ceases to be a chore and becomes a pleasure. Exercise releases endorphins which make you feel good.
Hypnotherapy for weight loss is successful because it’s the subconscious beliefs about food that make us fat. These beliefs are all about emotions. We often eat because we’re bored, lonely, miserable or any number of other emotional scenarios, NONE of which have anything to do with physical hunger. Basically we use food to make ourselves feel good because we learnt to do that very early in life. It is this belief that keeps us on the endless treadmill of eating and dieting. Hypnotherapy is extraordinarily good at changing subconscious belief patterns. This is why my hypnotherapy for weight loss programme is extremely successful for virtually all my clients.
Hypnotherapy for weight loss –
One size does not fit all
Because there are so many aspects with regard to weight control, my hypnotherapy for weight loss programme is not formulaic. It is tailored to the client’s specific needs. Any hypnotherapy for weight loss that offers just one solution is doomed to failure.