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About Alison
Alison qualified in hypnotherapy with the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy at Kings College London.
The ICH is renowned for being one of the most prestigious training schools. Alison went on to complete both her Diploma in Psychotherapy and her Masters.
She also completed a Foundation degree in hypnotherapy with the National council of Hypnotherapy.
Alison is able to offer a varied approach to any problem or condition, using a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and counselling. She is also able to offer Easibirthing techniques through Hypnosis.
Alison also works with the National Smoking Cessation Institute and covers the whole of the Eastbourne and surrounding areas representing the Institute, who provides ongoing support to clients wishing to break the habit for good.
Alison can also be found on the General Hypnotherapy Register as a Validated Practitioner
Qualifications include:
DCH Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
DHP Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
MCH Master Clinician
HPD Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma HND
(Higher National Diploma)
CHBPP Certified Hypnotic Birthing Process Practitioner
Emotional Freedom Technique
Counselling Level 2 and 3
EDEXCEL Level 3 BTEC in Teaching
Call 07398 783 518 for more information.
Hi Alison Having tried several different methods of weight loss in the past, without much success, I read about the Wakeham's Wellbeing approach and was immediately interested.
After the initial consultation the Hypnotherapy sessions began and lo and behold I started to shed the lbs, OK nothing really new there but suddenly my attitude to food completely changed. Now after 6 months and less frequent sessions I am 35lbs lighter and feeling great and still focused. Alison does a great job and I thoroughly recommend her as a Hypnotherapist. Adrian Austin.
Dear Alison, Just to say a big 'Thank You' to you and the Hypnotherapy. It is now one year since i gave up smoking, yes there have been time when I really wanted a ciggy but I didn't give in and now I don't really think about it. Thank you again. Lynne McLoud
Dear Alison, Thanks for a brilliant workshop and demo last night. Definitely (I.M.O.) the best we've had. Thanks again for a very informative and inspiring evening. Yours sincerely, Barbara George.
Last night's meeting was really interesting - hypnotherapy doesn't seem so scary now!
Hi All, I can highly recommend a Hypnotherapy session here! I had one last week for a particular problem and have found it very helpful. Its relaxing at the time and has worked well for me. I also found that the consultation before it was helpful in itself as questions were raised that i had ignored. So thank you Alison
Hi Alison, I just had to write and say Thank you for helping me to eradicate the self-imposed errors that were holding back my shooting performance. I have worked hard to improve my scores over a number of years now and one session with you has seen the problem solved and a marked increase in my scores has come as a result. Thank you, I'm so glad i took up your offer. Cliff
Hi Alison, just a note to say how grateful I am to you for stopping a 30 a day ,30 year long habit of smoking, not only has it extended my life, but helped to keep my relationship going. There has been the odd occasion when iv had a weak moment!! but I have put my CD on and I am back on track. Amazing. Regards Vince
Alison, I would like to extend my gratitude to you for helping me with my agoraphobia, I feel like I have a new lease of life, and have just been on holiday for the first time in years. Not only have you given me a new lease of life, but my husband to who was suffering from the effects of my issues. Thank you so much!
Hi, I want to pass on my positive experience to everyone else toying with the idea of having Hypnotherapy.
GO FOR IT, it has helped me to move on with my life after a very negative relationship that has dragged me down for years, and I could not see any future for myself. I've now moved on and let go of the negative passed and filled with self esteem and confidence am looking forward to a future of happiness and not dread. Hooray for Hypnotherapy. Doreen
Abbie Schulz , Eastbourne